Source code for suod.models.parallel_processes

# Author: Yue Zhao <>
# License: MIT
from sklearn.base import clone

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import rankdata
from joblib import effective_n_jobs
from sklearn.utils import check_array
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from pyod.utils.utility import score_to_label

from .jl_projection import jl_fit_transform, jl_transform
from ..utils.utility import raw_score_to_proba

[docs] def indices_to_one_hot(data, nb_classes): """Convert an iterable of indices to one-hot encoded labels.""" targets = np.array(data).reshape(-1) return np.eye(nb_classes)[targets]
[docs] def balanced_scheduling(time_cost_pred, n_estimators, n_jobs, verbose=False): """Conduct balanced scheduling based on the sum of rank, for both train and prediction. The algorithm will enforce the equal sum of ranks among workers. Parameters ---------- time_cost_pred : list The list of time cost by the cost predictor. The length is equal to the number of base detectors. n_estimators : int The number of base estimators. n_jobs : optional (default=1) The number of jobs to run in parallel for both `fit` and `predict`. If -1, then the number of jobs is set to the number of cores. verbose : bool, optional (default=False) Controls the verbosity of the building process. Returns ------- n_estimators_list : list The number of estimators for each worker starts : list The actual index of base detectors to be scheduled. For instance, starts[k, k+1] base detectors will be assigned to worker k. n_jobs : The actual usable number of jobs to run in parallel. """ # get the number of usable workers n_jobs = min(effective_n_jobs(n_jobs), n_estimators) # conduct Balanced Task Scheduling n_estimators_list = [] # track the number of estimators for each worker ranks = rankdata(time_cost_pred) ########################################## # #todo: the fastest is at most 2 times costly than the slowest # enable a parameter for the rank strength ranks = 1 + ranks / n_estimators ########################################## rank_sum = np.sum(ranks) chunk_sum = rank_sum / n_jobs starts_orig = [0] index_track = 0 sum_check = [] for i in range(len(ranks) + 1): if np.sum(ranks[starts_orig[index_track]:i]) >= chunk_sum: starts_orig.append(i) index_track += 1 starts_orig.append(len(ranks)) starts = starts_orig # # offset for the last worker's load # starts = [0] # for k in range(1, n_jobs+1): # starts.append(starts_orig[k]-np.random.randint(low=1, high=k+1)) # print(starts) # starts[-1] = n_estimators # print(starts) for j in range(n_jobs): sum_check.append(np.sum(ranks[starts[j]:starts[j + 1]])) if verbose: print('Worker', j + 1, 'sum of ranks:', sum_check[j]) n_estimators_list.append(starts[j + 1] - starts[j]) print() # Confirm the length of the estimators is consistent assert (np.sum(n_estimators_list) == n_estimators) assert (np.abs(rank_sum - np.sum(sum_check)) < 0.1) xdiff = [starts[n] - starts[n - 1] for n in range(1, len(starts))] if verbose: print("Split among workers BPS:", starts, xdiff) return n_estimators_list, starts, n_jobs
def _partition_estimators(n_estimators, n_jobs, verbose=False): """Private function used to partition estimators between jobs. """ # Compute the number of jobs n_jobs = min(effective_n_jobs(n_jobs), n_estimators) # Partition estimators between jobs n_estimators_per_job = np.full(n_jobs, n_estimators // n_jobs, dtype=int) n_estimators_per_job[:n_estimators % n_jobs] += 1 starts = np.cumsum(n_estimators_per_job) xdiff = [starts[n] - starts[n - 1] for n in range(1, len(starts))] if verbose: print("Split among workers default:", starts, xdiff) return n_estimators_per_job.tolist(), [0] + starts.tolist(), n_jobs
[docs] def cost_forecast_meta(clf, X, base_estimator_names): """Forecast model cost by pretrained cost estimator. Parameters ---------- clf : object, sklearn regressor Random forest regressor trained to forecast model cost X : numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_features) The input samples. base_estimator_names : list of str The list of outlier detection model names in the string format Returns ------- time_cost_pred : numpy array of outlier detection model cost in seconds. """ # convert base estimators to the digestible form clf_idx = np.asarray( list(map(clf_idx_mapping.get, base_estimator_names))) X_detector_code = indices_to_one_hot(clf_idx - 1, 11) X_shape_code_s = np.array([X.shape[0], X.shape[1]]).reshape(1, 2) X_shape_code = np.repeat(X_shape_code_s, len(base_estimator_names), axis=0) X_code = np.concatenate((X_shape_code, X_detector_code), axis=1) time_cost_pred = clf.predict(X_code) return time_cost_pred
def _parallel_fit(n_estimators, clfs, X, total_n_estimators, rp_flags, objective_dim, rp_method, verbose): X = check_array(X) # Build estimators estimators = [] rp_transformers = [] for i in range(n_estimators): estimator = clone(clfs[i]) if verbose > 1: print("Building estimator %d of %d for this parallel run " "(total %d)..." % (i + 1, n_estimators, total_n_estimators)) if rp_flags[i] == 1: X_scaled, jlt_transformer = jl_fit_transform(X, objective_dim, rp_method) rp_transformers.append(jlt_transformer) estimators.append(estimator) else: # if projection is not used, use an identity matrix to keep the shape rp_transformers.append(np.ones([X.shape[1], X.shape[1]])) estimators.append(estimator) return estimators, rp_transformers def _parallel_predict(n_estimators, clfs, approximators, X, total_n_estimators, rp_transformers, approx_flags, contamination, verbose): X = check_array(X) pred = [] for i in range(n_estimators): estimator = clfs[i] if verbose > 1: print("predicting with estimator %d of %d for this parallel run " "(total %d)..." % (i + 1, n_estimators, total_n_estimators)) # project matrix X_scaled = jl_transform(X, rp_transformers[i]) # turn approximator scores to labels by outlier if approx_flags[i] == 1: predicted_labels = score_to_label( approximators[i].predict(X_scaled), outliers_fraction=contamination) else: predicted_labels = estimator.predict(X_scaled) pred.append(predicted_labels) return pred def _parallel_decision_function(n_estimators, clfs, approximators, X, total_n_estimators, rp_transformers, approx_flags, verbose): X = check_array(X) pred = [] for i in range(n_estimators): estimator = clfs[i] if verbose > 1: print("predicting with estimator %d of %d for this parallel run " "(total %d)..." % (i + 1, n_estimators, total_n_estimators)) # project matrix X_scaled = jl_transform(X, rp_transformers[i]) # turn approximator scores to labels by outlier if approx_flags[i] == 1: predicted_scores = approximators[i].predict(X_scaled) else: predicted_scores = estimator.decision_function(X_scaled) pred.append(predicted_scores) return pred def _parallel_predict_proba(n_estimators, clfs, approximators, X, total_n_estimators, rp_transformers, approx_flags, verbose): X = check_array(X) pred = [] for i in range(n_estimators): estimator = clfs[i] if verbose > 1: print("predicting with estimator %d of %d for this parallel run " "(total %d)..." % (i + 1, n_estimators, total_n_estimators)) # project matrix X_scaled = jl_transform(X, rp_transformers[i]) # turn approximator scores to labels by outlier if approx_flags[i] == 1: raw_scores = approximators[i].predict(X_scaled) predicted_scores = raw_score_to_proba(estimator.decision_scores_, raw_scores) else: predicted_scores = estimator.predict_proba(X_scaled) pred.append(predicted_scores[:, 1]) # pred.append(predicted_scores) return pred def _parallel_approx_estimators(n_estimators, clfs, X, total_n_estimators, approx_flags, approximator, rp_transformers, verbose): """ Parameters ---------- n_estimators clfs X total_n_estimators approx_flags approximator verbose Returns ------- """ X = check_array(X) # Build estimators approximators = [] # TODO: approximators can be different for i in range(n_estimators): # project matrix X_scaled = jl_transform(X, rp_transformers[i]) estimator = clfs[i] check_is_fitted(estimator, ['decision_scores_']) if verbose > 1: print("Building estimator %d of %d for this parallel run " "(total %d)..." % (i + 1, n_estimators, total_n_estimators)) if approx_flags[i] == 1: # operate on the reduce space pseudo_scores = estimator.decision_scores_ # pseudo_scores = estimator.decision_function(X) # use the same type of approximator for all models base_approximater = clone(approximator), pseudo_scores) approximators.append(base_approximater) else: approximators.append(None) return approximators idx_clf_mapping = { 1: 'ABOD', 2: 'CBLOF', 3: 'FeatureBagging', 4: 'HBOS', 5: 'IForest', 6: 'KNN', 7: 'LOF', 8: 'MCD', 9: 'OCSVM', 10: 'PCA', 11: 'UNK' } clf_idx_mapping = { 'ABOD': 1, 'CBLOF': 2, 'FeatureBagging': 3, 'HBOS': 4, 'IForest': 5, 'KNN': 6, 'LOF': 7, 'MCD': 8, 'OCSVM': 9, 'PCA': 10, 'UNK': 11 }